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Ethanol and Ethanol Blended Fuels

Based on the production of ethanol and ethanol blended fuels, there is a paradigm shift taking place in municipal fire departments which greatly increases the need for F-500 Encapsulator Agent.  Almost every gas station in the United States is selling E-10, which is gasoline with 10% ethanol.  There are over 8 million vehicles on the road today capable of using E-85, in which gasoline is mixed with 85% ethanol.

Over 1,700 cities in the United States are selling E-85. AFFF foam is not adequate for these ethanol ap­plications.  Therefore, the entire foam industry, including ourselves as producers of Pinnacle Foam, are guiding municipal fi re departments from a non-effec­tive $19.95/gallon AFFF to a $29.95/gallon AR-AFFF.  F-500 Encapsulator Agent which can both encapsulate and extinguish ethanol and ethanol blended fuels is more cost effective than AR-AFFF.


The table shows the results of testing comparing the va­por mitigation capabilities of plain water, AFFF foam, AR­AFFF foam and F-500 EncapsulatorAgent on diesel fuel, gasoline, E-85 and ethanol.  The testing was conducted per NFPA 18A: Standard on Water Additives for Fire Con­trol and Vapor Mitigation, Section 7.6.  The testing shows whether or not each fire suppression agent can continue to prevent ignition of the fuel after two hours.  The F-500 encapsulates all of the fuels, rendering them permanent­ly nonflammable.  Water, AFFF foam and AR-AFFF foam all failed to mitigate diesel, gasoline and E-85.  All of the agents were able to mitigate ethanol because plain etha­nol is a polar solvent, soluble in water and can be diluted to a point where it is not flammable.

Vehicles operating within a municipal fire department’s jurisdiction can be using diesel fuel or any of several gasoline/ethanol blends.  Based on performance and tight budgets, F-500 Encapsulator Agent is positioned as the municipal fire department product of choice.