Utilizing EPA 537 Modified Test Method, F-500 Encapsulator Agent 1% and 3% firefighting solutions were tested at GEL Laboratories LLC, a US EPA Approved Laboratory, to prove that F-500 EA does not contain any of the 25 targeted fluorinated ingredients including PFOS/PFOA. Hazard Control Technologies is concerned about this growing issue and wants to stop the madness by educating the fire service, officials, and the general public about the benefits of Encapsulator Technology that does not rely on foam bubbles; hence, fluorinated ingredients to extinguish a fire. NFPA 18A F-500 Encapsulator TechnologyOver the decades uses of Foams containing fluorinated ingredient including PFOS and PFOA have contaminated ground water, municipal drinking water supplies and wildlife such as deer and fish. Everyday there is a new headline about PFOS/PFOA environmental contamination. PFOS/PFOA is now known to be toxic, carcinogenic, and linked to cancer, It is no wonder the incidence of cancer in Firefighters and Fire Investigators is 30% higher that any other occupation. Firefighters are dying. This pollution/contamination issue has reached such epic proportions that States are banning the use of Foam and the US EPA has implemented US EPA 537 Modified Test to test the safety of municipal drinking water. This test measures the presence of PFOS/PFOA as low as parts per billion (ppb). |
Isn’t it time to start putting the F-500 Encapsulator Agent “Engineered Advantage” to work for you to protect both the environment and firefighters? If we can help you with any questions about F-500 Encapsulator Agent or desire a complete copy of the F-500 EA US EPA 537 Modified Test Method results report: Contact Us. |