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Firefighting foam has been around for over 100 years

First invented in 1902 by Aleksandr Loran, foam has been a significant improvement to firefighting efforts all over the world. Foams have slowly improved over the past century to widen it’s use on different fuels. The main problem with foam is it’s inability to fight three dimensional fires.

“Foam is not a good tool for three dimensional Class B fires, or fires involving pressurized flammable liquids or gases”
-Rod Carringer, Class A Foam Awareness and Operations Level Workbook and Glossary.

Foam suppresses a fire by forming a blanket over the fuel of the fire, cutting off it’s access to air. If the fuel is contained (in a pool or barrel for example) this blanket can be quite effective. As with all blankets, heat is trapped beneath and the fuel is hot enough to re-ignite once the foam layer is broken. Modern day fires are rarely seen in this  form. From house/car fires to wildfires, the surface is three dimensional. Foam cannot suffocate a 3D fire efficiently.

When you watch a foam demonstration, the fire is almost always 2 dimensional. They don’t want you to see this weakness.

It’s Time to Upgrade

F-500 Encapsulator Agent is a new category of fire suppression. Instead of forming a blanket, the fuel of the fire is rapidly cooled rendering it non-ignitable, non-flammable, and non-explosive. F-500 EA works on any 3D surface and makes water 20 times more effective. We need the brave men and women firefighters to upgrade their suppression technology to match the challenges of modern day fires. F-500 EA is the answer.

This 3 dimensional flowing jet fuel fire was extinguished in 21 seconds. Click to watch the video.

Contact me to learn more about fire suppression.