by 911Control | Jul 14, 2015 | Automobile, Education, F-500 Encapsultor Agent, Fire Control, News, Structure, Videos
Making Water More Effective Water versus fire. The everlasting struggle between elements. When fighting a fire, water cools down the source (fuel) of the flames and with enough water, you can douse any fire and remove the heat from the fuel. The problem with...
by 911Control | Jul 2, 2015 | Education, F-500 Encapsultor Agent, Fire Control, News
By The Numbers The airdrop you see on the left is a pretty standard sight during a big wildfire. The plane flies overhead and the rust colored agent falls along fire lines or on the fire itself. After doing some research into the numbers, I see less fire suppression...
by 911Control | May 20, 2015 | Challenging, Class A Foam, Education, F-500 Encapsultor Agent, Fire Control, News
I read in the local #ModBee newspaper about #Tracy #BioMass fire. F-500 is very effective in these types of fires. These fires burn beneath the surface, so you need an agent designed to penetrate. Enough oxygen is available beneath the surface to sustain combustion,...
by 911Control | Apr 23, 2015 | Education, F-500 Encapsultor Agent, Fire Control, News
I recently read an article about Yuba City fire fighters who were going through water shuttle training. They were transporting water and filling man made pools that hold thousands of gallons of water. The piece had given insight on how our present situation calls for...
by 911Control | Feb 18, 2015 | F-500 Encapsultor Agent, News
The Need to Conserve In our state, conserving water is a must in times of drought. This can be hard, if not impossible, when fighting forest and structure fires all year. F-500 encapsulator agent is the answer for California. F-500 Encapsulator Agent Rapidly cools...